Shri Rameshwardas Gupta drafted the constitution of Agroha Vikas Trust. This draft underwent an in-depth review for several months. Subsequently, during the All India Agarwal Mahasabha convention held in Indore on May 8-9, 1976, the Mahasabha approved the constitution of 'Agroha Vikas Trust.' Shri Rameshwardas Gupta was entrusted with the responsibility of registering this trust in Delhi and completing the formalities related to income tax.
After returning from the Indore convention, Shri Rameshwardas Gupta submitted the constitution of Agroha Vikas Trust to the Society Registrar in Delhi for registration. The trust was officially registered on July 9, 1976 (see page 5). Subsequently, the trust was also registered under Section 12 of the Income Tax Act (see page 6) and obtained a tax exemption certificate under Section 40-G.